Ultra Skate Challenge (USC) 2015

Start page
Day 1126 km
Day 2159 km
Day 3155 km
Day 4115 km
Day 5129 km
Day 6171 km
Day 7123 km
Day 883 km
Day 992 km
Day 10113 km
Day 11150 km
Day 12133 km
Day 13109 km
Day 14129 km
Going home

= 1787 km


Ultra Skate Challenge 2015      "Day 15"     30 August

Going home

Ultra Skate Challenge (USC) 2015

Ultra Skate Challenge (USC) 2015
07.17 am. A memory from yesterday.

Ultra Skate Challenge (USC) 2015
Siggi drove some of us to the airport, others stayed for a day of sightseeing in Amsterdam.

Ultra Skate Challenge (USC) 2015

Ultra Skate Challenge (USC) 2015

Inline skating in Stockholm 2015
Since it at the time was unclear if we fully had achieved the 1800 kilometres I just for fun skated 32 km in the
evening to make it sure. This was of course not added to the Ultra Skate Challenge distance and furthermore it
was done on the 15th day, not within the 14 USC-days.

Inline skating in Stockholm 2015


Ultra Skate Challenge (USC) 2015. A memory crafted by Bernd Gutöhrlein.
An original wheel from the tour, a memory crafted by Bernd Gutöhrlein. The wheel still has its original dirt!

Back to the start page for Ultra Skate Challenge 2015.

e-mail: mail@ulfhaase.se