Tunnelloppet (The Tunnel Race), Stockholm 2004
Premiere skating in the tunnel 31 Mars 2004, seven months before the race
Copied from Tunnelloppet's homepage before the race: "The South Link [in Stockholm] is Sweden’s largest road tunnel project [...]. Around 60 000 vehicles will be able to pass through the tunnels every 24 hours."
In October, one week before the tunnels were opened for traffic, there was a race for inline skaters and runners in the tunnels. In Mars, seven months before the race, a TV sports channel filmed in the tunnels for a news segment about the upcoming Tunnel Race. Jonas Olofsson and Ulf Haase represented inline skaters during the filming.
 Second from right is Jan Magnusson, project leader of the Tunnel Race, to the far right is Fredrik Ölmqvist who represented the runners.
 Jonas Olofsson, one of the two first skaters ever in the tunnels.
 Jonas Olofsson.
 Ulf Haase, the other of the two first skaters ever in the tunnels. (Photo: J. Olofsson with my camera.)
Broascasted on TV 26 April 2004:

 Ulf Haase and Jonas Olofsson, the two first skaters ever in the tunnels.
 Ulf Haase.
 Ulf Haase.
 Jonas Olofsson.
 Ulf Haase.
Test skating in the tunnel two months before the race
Tunnelloppet (The Tunnel Race) 17 October 2004
(Both links open in separate windows.)