Inline camp with Experts in Speed on Sardinia in Mars 2003, me in green suit. Published by courtesy of photographer Stephan Repke. (See all my photos from Sardinia here.) (Both links open in separate windows.)
 Sweden Inline Cup, part 3 in Stockholm, June 2003, the 21 km heat for veterans A, B and C. This was the first race ever where I (in green suit) was the first to cross the finish line. (Photographer unknown. Photo published by courtesy of camera owner J. Kivikoski (who is right behind me).)
 After skate in Helsingborg where I joined inline club IS Göta's training one evening in July 2003. Ronny Myllynen and me. (Photo published by courtesy of Steve Gustavsson at IS Göta.)
Above an inline photo of an unusual kind.
It is from the birthday celebration of the leader of the church choir I was singing in. We performed a 20 min cabaret, this was the last number which ended with me entering on inlines and serving her a glass of champagne. (Photos: S. Hildebrand with my camera.)
 This season ended for me with three marathons: Berlin Inline Marathon in Germany, September 2003 (me in green with green helmet)... (Published by courtesy of Ulla Niclaus.)
 ...H C Andersen Inline Marathon in Odense, Denmark, October 2003... Photo: S. Helmsøe. Published by courtesy of S. Jensen at Vesterbro Rulleskøjte Klub (Opens in separate window.)
 ... and finally Frankfurt Inline Marathon in Germany, October 2003. (Photo published by courtesy of M. Ninkovic at Mainz Wiesbadener Skatenights.)
Summary of 2003: Participation in 12 inline skating races (and lots of fun).