Ultra Skate Challenge 2020 (Rheinfelden ->) Basel -> Borkum 6 - 15 August
1275 km in 10 days
A privately organized event. No competition, just vaccation.
 Map used by courtesy of Michael Seitz.
Andreas Arnold |
Antje Fischer |
Bernd Gutöhrlein |
Bernd Mathar |
Endres Neumann |
Eva Zeifang |
Ingrid Lichtl |
Jürgen Lutz |
Kathrin Radtke |
Mathias Fessler |
Micha Seitz |
Olaf Uhlig |
Otto Gastel |
Peter Schmidl |
Stanislav Pokorny |
Thomas Hartwig |
Ulf Haase |
Ulla Hingst |
Only a few of the participants actually skated the entire distance.
 Organizer Micha Seitz had planned the whole tour in detail. He had reconnoitred the whole track including searching for the missing links between the parts. He had also figured out where the best places for the escort cars to stop were and had booked the hotel rooms. And, and, and. Thanks Micha!
 Thanks to Hans-Georg Rudorff and Klaus Büttner who drove the escort cars and served us in all kind of issues.
 Thanks to Jürgen Lutz who generously offered his company car as escort car (opens in separate window). (Archive photo from 2017.)
 USC 2020 logo, © Michael Seitz. (Based on a photo by ?Andras Arnold?)
Next page: Warm up the day before start