We started in Örebro without knowing if it would be possible to go all the way.
 03.19 am, breakfast in the hostel in Örebro.
 03.43 am, entering the taxi to go to the ice.
 04.00 am, on the ice at Rävgången in Örebro, ready to go.
 04.05 am.
 04.23 am.
 04.28 am.
 05.32 am.
 05.36 am.
 05.45 am, sunrise.
 06.14 am.
 06.26 am.
 06.39 am.
 06.56 am.
 07.16 am.
 Underwater streams had destroyed the ice on the canal and river connecting the lakes so we had to take a taxi. (The taxi transfer is not included in the measured 184 km.)
 07.49 am, taxi transfer from lake Hjälmaren to lake Mälaren (see above).
 08.41 am.
 09.33 am.
 10.15 am.
 11.26 am.
 11.49 am.
 11.51 am.
 12.07 pm.
 12.14 pm, an interesting passage.
 12.27 pm, arriving at Hjulstabron.
 12.29 pm, Hjulstabron.
 12.46 pm. There was no ice east of Hjulstabron so we had to walk for 61 minutes before we could enter the ice again.
 13.18 pm. Same as above.
 14.19 pm.
 14.19 pm. The same passage as above from another angle.
 14.30 pm.
 15.20 pm, at Sparin. Erik Rosengren, Mats Röjgård, Magnus Duvnäs, Per Helén, Marcus Ihre, Magnus Hektor and Tomas Movin. One participant, the photographer (= Ulf Haase), is missing on the photo.
 17.10 pm.
 17.32 pm, Nockebybron.
 17.42 pm. Stuggle with the ice until the end.
 17.59 pm, less than 1 km to go.
 18.08 pm, at Tranebergsbron/Alvik. We (all eight participants) made it! Here are Ulf Haase, Erik Rosengren and Marcus Ihre.
More: An Örebrotur (Örebro --> Stockholm) made under better conditions 2 February 2013