Stockholm Speedskaters, technique training with Céline Weiss.

Logotype Stockholm Speedskaters. Used by courtesy of J. Herrström


Stockholm Speedskaters 2007

Technique training with Céline Weiss, 29 May 2007

Céline Weiss*, Switzerland, is temporary studying in Stockholm. During this period she has
generousely shared her knowledge and experience with the skaters - beginners and
advanced - from Stockholm Speedskaters in a number of technique training sessions.
(*Opens in separate window.)

Below are some photos from todays session at Sjöhistoriska museet.

Stockholm Speedskaters, technique training with Céline Weiss.
Just sneak up from behind...

Stockholm Speedskaters, technique training with Céline Weiss.
...and jump in.

Stockholm Speedskaters, technique training with Céline Weiss.
It looked a lot easier when Miss Weiss did it.

Stockholm Speedskaters, technique training with Céline Weiss.
Ulf Haase and Sven Rudberg.

Stockholm Speedskaters, technique training with Céline Weiss.

Stockholm Speedskaters, technique training with Céline Weiss.
Don't look at the photographer, listen to Céline instead.

Stockholm Speedskaters, technique training with Céline Weiss.

Stockholm Speedskaters, technique training with Céline Weiss.
Group photo.

e-mail: mail@ulfhaase.se