Sollentunaloppet 2007
Ice skating race on Lake Norrviken, 25 February 2007
Skater and photographer Jonas Schön generously sent me these photos.
Sollentunaloppet is a competition on a 14 km track (3 laps) on Lake Norrviken just north of Stockholm. As usual the event was well arranged. This year the ice had almost no cracks, an advantage for me who have bad skating technique on ice - it was the first ice skating race for years where I haven't fallen. (I'm the skater with bib no 40.)
 A few kilometers after the start. Ulf Haase in front. (Photo published by courtesy of Jonas Schön.)
 Peter Resar who finally won the race. (Photo published by courtesy of Jonas Schön.)
 Here we were in trouble but we finally managed to catch up on the pack in front of us. Ulf Haase, Måns Diedrichs and Håkan Eriksson. (Photo published by courtesy of Jonas Schön.)
 Martin Irestedt and Ulf Haase sprinting for the finish line. (Photo published by courtesy of Jonas Schön.)