In the distance we saw another group.
 Ulrika Engdahl, Mårten Ajne and Dick Lindström.
 Crossing an extensive crack.

 Transparent ice.
 Daniel Edman.
 Dick Lindström.

 Fighting against the head wind.

 Bertil Lagerström.
 Mårten Ajne.

 Somewhere I read something about a "fighting face". Is this an example?
 Or this?
 Mårten Ajne, Bertil Lagerström and Daniel Edman.
 Bertil Lagerström looking for a good place for lunch...
 ... and here it is.
 We had lunch together with a group from Friluftsfrämjandet/Borlänge.
 Passing the group from Friluftsfrämjandet.
 Group photo not far from Mora: Bertil Lagerström, Daniel Edman, Mårten Ajne and Ulf Haase. (The mountin to the left in the background is Gesundaberget). It was getting late and we realised we had to stop further ice excesses and go straight back to the car. (Photo taken with self timer.)
 "Straight back to the car" ment 35 km without stopping. We arrived right before it got dark.