Experts in Speed Sardinien Sardinia 2002 inlines

Start Sardinia 2002
The hotel
Day 2, Gocart track
Day 2, tour
Day 3, inline track
Day 3, tour
Day 5, tour
Day 6,El Faro-Stintino

Briand, Cardin, Loy


Experts in Speed's inline camp, Sardinia Mars 2002

Day 6: Tour from El Faro to Stintino

El Faro - Fertilia - St Maria la Palma - passing Lago Baratz - La Corte - Monteforte - Scala Erre - Posso San Nicola - Stintino.

60 km? (I had a feeling it was shorter.)

Experts in Speed Sardinien Sardinia 2002 inlines
Not far from Lago Baratz (?)

Experts in Speed Sardinien Sardinia 2002 inlines

Experts in Speed Sardinien Sardinia 2002 inlines
Lunch halfway. Sebastian Baumgartner serving pasta and wienerschnitzel.

Experts in Speed Sardinien Sardinia 2002 inlines Experts in Speed Sardinien Sardinia 2002 inlines
Daniel Edmans's birthday was celebrated with a cake that was served as dessert.
Dirk Scharler, Daniel Edman, Rainer Arnold and Jacob Baumgartner.

Experts in Speed Sardinien Sardinia 2002 inlines
Trying to keep warm with disco. Sebastian Baumgartner making video analysis as usual.

Experts in Speed Sardinien Sardinia 2002 inlines

Experts in Speed Sardinien Sardinia 2002 inlines
Pozzo San Nicola - Stintino.

Experts in Speed Sardinien Sardinia 2002 inlines
Claudia Rieger and her group not far from Stintino.

Experts in Speed Sardinien Sardinia 2002 inlines
Stephanie Pipke arriving in Stintino. (Here I ran out of film.)

Next page: Pascal Briand, Franck Cardin and Tistan Loy skating on Sardinia

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