Nordic Inline Skating Cup 2007
Part 4, Valle Hovin in Oslo, 1 July
Men Pro, 500 m
Start 500 m, heat 1.
Start 500 m, heat 2.
Start 500 m, heat 3.
Final 500 m. (Notice the falling skater in the background.)
Final 500 m. (Notice the fallen skater in the background.)
Final 500 m. (Notice the fallen skater in the background.)
Men Pro, 1000 m
Detail from the photo above.
Men Pro, 10000 m points and elemination
Johan Olsson's wheels lost the grip in the corner and 1/10 sec later he fell.
After having fallen Johan Olsson sat on the ground for a while, then he decided to continue and fought himself back into the competition and ended up as no 2. An impressing performance!
Niklas Tenglund.
Johan Håmås from Stockholm Speedskaters in safe lead.
Gunder Boström, Asier Pena Iturria and Alessandro De Zillo.
Gunder Boström and Asier Pena Iturria.
Johan Olsson.
Johan Olsson.
Johan Håmås in safe lead.
Johan Olsson with wounds after the fall.
Men Pro, prize ceremony for Nordic Inline Skating Cup 2007 part 4
Gunder Boström (5), Asier Pena Iturria (4), Alessandro De Zillo (3), Johan Olsson (2) and Johan Håmås(1).
Next page: Women Pro + juniors