VO2max-tests at LIVI, 7 November 2008
LIVI (Lugnets Idrottsvetenskapliga Institut) in Falun.
Eight skaters from Stockholm Speedskaters went there for VO2max- and lactate treshold tests.
 Magnus Knutsson from LIVI explaining the test to Patrik Permats, Måns Diedrichs, Björn Larsson, Johan Rudberg, Carl von Essen and Sven Rudberg.
 Måns Diedrichs.

 After 10 min 15 sec.
 Every third minute a blood test was taken to analyze the lactic acid.
 Magnus Knutsson from LIVI explaining.
 Time for another blood test.
 Ulf Haase. Photo: Måns Diedrichs with my camera.