Ice skating on Lake Mälaren, 24 February 2018
We skated on a part of Lake Mälaren, the third largest lake in Sweden, 96 km.
The photos are taken with a mobile phone camera.
 09.49 am.
 09.52 am.
 09.52 am.
 10.38 am.
 11.52 am.
 12.38 pm. It was like this - or worse - the whole day.
 12.52 pm.
 12.58 pm. (The island Birka on the other side.)
 13.12 pm. This tool was very useful this day. (Photo: H.E. Nielsen with my mobile phone camera.)
 13.44 pm.
 14.03 pm. lunch.
 14.56 pm.
 16.54 pm. Dead end.
 16.57 pm.
 18.03 pm. Going back by subway.