Canon Flash Auto Ring and Canon Speedlite 133D
When introduced in 1971, the flash Speedlite 133D was sold with either the Flash Auto Ring A or the Flash Auto Ring B.
By flipping a switch
- ring A could be used with either the FD 50mm f/1.8 or the FD 35mm f/2 lens
- ring B could be used with either the FD 50mm f/1.4 or the FD 35mm f/2 lens
The Flash Auto Ring is attached to the front of the lens. It has a spring-loaded arm that mates with a pin on the focusing barrel of the lens and a cord that plugs into the Speedlite 133D. When you focus the lens, the arm on the Flash Auto Ring also rotates, communicating the focusing distance to the flash. Correct flash exposure is determined through the camera's viewfinder in same manner as a normal exposure, matching the aperture follower with the meter needle.Compatible with Canon F-1, FTb and EF. (Description written by Gordon Yee)
Canon Flash Auto Ring B and Canon Speedlite 133D mounted on lens FD 50mm f/1.4.
The spring-loaded arm on the Flash Auto Ring mates with the pin on the focusing barrel of the lens.
Canon Flash Auto Ring B and Canon Speedlite 133D.
Canon Flash Auto Ring B and Canon Speedlite 133D.
Canon Flash Auto Ring B and Canon Speedlite 133D.
Canon Flash Auto Ring B and Canon Speedlite 133D with original case (the lid is missing).
Canon Flash Speedlite 133D.
Canon Flash Auto Ring and Canon Speedlite 133D in the instruction booklet for Canon FTb (old), printed June 1972.
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